Calculate object.clipTo rectangle path when cropping in Fabric.js
Playing with Fabric.js was fun although one bit I had trouble with was calculating the object.clipTo rectangle path.
Glitch image cropper with Fabric.js
“How hard can it be to make an image cropper?” 🙃 It took me longer than I think it should have but was a great deal of fun. Here is the working version (“working” being relative, mind you) and you can remix it in Glitch here. If you haven’t used Glitch, try it out. It’s like Codepen for…
Google DFP “Line item not found” for native style
I’m making a post of this because TWICE I’ve spent a couple of hours wondering if Google DFP is just taking a long time to update. ADD THE AD UNIT TO THE TARGETING IN CREATIVES -> NATIVE STYLES -> STYLE. Otherwise it will never show up.
Keeping your email address safe on Gravatar enabled sites (or if you don’t know if it is or not)
Do you consider your email address to be private information but use it to register and comment on WordPress powered sites? Many WordPress sites use Gravatar to provide the avatars on comments and user lists and this can be an issue if you do.
How Gravatar works
This is an overview of how sites get data from Gravatar and what’s available from the Gravatar ‘API’ (quotes theirs).
Gravatar and privacy
Privacy concerns regarding Gravatar are not new. But what exactly are they and how can you avoid your data leaking? And what is Gravatar?
WP contact form remnants
What do contact forms leave in a site’s database when they’re deleted? How easy is it to manage the data they store? What personal data do they grab?
Ajax in WordPress not working for logged in users without wp_ajax_nopriv action
I had a rather interesting problem the other day. My ajax request was not working if I didn’t use the wp_ajax_nopriv_ action on a page where the user was clearly logged in. Why? Why was this happening?
Getting the placeid, latitude and longitude for the Google Maps Javascript API
Need the place id or anything from the Places Search results for whatever you’re doing with the Google Maps API?
How does WordPress know if a pending post hasn’t been published yet?
If WordPress has a newly created pending post, when you publish it the timestamp on the post is set at the time of publishing. If you publish a post, then set the post status to pending, the timestamp does not update when you re-publish it. How does it know? And why does it matter?